What is a computer Cloud?
It is a way to share and gain access to any files that you have saved on any device any where. With this in mind a cloud is a gathering of data in one place and when you access that cloud it stats to rain so that you can see the data you need.
Where is the Cloud?
Under your nose; it is located on the network and can be opened through a web browser. Therefore the cloud is stored in a router and ready to be sent to you at any time. One of many Cloud services is Dropbox where you can store any information documents you want.
Groupon started up in 2008 and quickly became a choice to help start up web sites. It uses other sites such as Amazon, and Salesforce.com to remain powered and flowing.
Groupon has not suffered in the market like many other sites because it has managed to keep up with the users. Groupon used Cloud computing to expand its band width so they could keep all the needed information but keep he site fast easily understood.
They use Salesforce.com to power deals that their customers make amongst each other. Groupon also uses Chatter so their employees may talk about deals and approve/deny or edit deals. These employees then take the information to a editorial staff who then posts it onto the Salesforce.com web site. This information then can be accessed any time for reference.
Resource for Groupon:
Wow and I thought Groupon was just for coupons, I learned something!